"Learn to cook--try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!" — Julia Child

Friday, October 29, 2010

"What? Rosemary? That's a spice, isn't it..."

Orienting at Culinary School

Time to put up or shut up!  Culinary school starts Tuesday.
My new stack of books was almost more than I could manage to get into my car after a full morning.  It started quietly - as in no one in the room was talking... to anyone!  In my usual outgoing-can't keep silent way, I struck up a conversation with my table-mate, and that went fairly well.  I offered him a job at Sur la Table... can I do that?  Maybe I need to tone it down a notch.
Other than a boat-load of books and a full head of expectations, I can say I feel excited, capable and armed with a package of colored pencils (erasable), highlighters, notepads, etc., able to tackle the 3 chapters to be read and a one to one and a half page paper on my inspirational chef (Remy?) completed and ready for grading on Tuesday.  (Did I mention I am hosting a gourmet group tomorrow night, sing Sunday morning, work Sunday night, small group of Fugitives and cooking for Pam on Monday.)  Time Management Gayle!
Most significant piece of culinary insight I learned today:  Mise en Place - Everything in it's place.  That may be my single greatest lesson for these next 9 months.
Bear with me as I learn this blog-thingy and thanks for taking the ride with me and comment at will, but be nice!


  1. YOOHOO!! You're off and running. I'm so impressed. And so glad it's not me in class again :) Looking forward to vicariously living with you through your new adventure.

  2. I am so excited about this!! Thanks for making a blog so that I can read and keep up with all your success. Proud of you mom :)

  3. This is very exciting! Congratulations. How many times can you say you are going to go to school and learn about something you love to do...cook! A dream come true! Thanks for keeping us up to date on your progress. Hmmm...soon we will be hearing your name among the most famous..."Martha", "Rachel", "Paula", "GAYLE"! We'll have to start brainstorming about a name for your new TV show! Love you!

  4. Well? How's it going? What's the latest? What are you cooking for thanksgiving? TIPS PLEASE!!!

  5. Hungry for your next blog entry, Gayle... :) You go, girl!

  6. Thanks for you lovely comments all!

  7. wow! all i can think of is that i cannot wait to be part of your test kitchen ... the neighbor that eats the treats ... I should really be thinking of all the knowledge you are gaining and the challenge of it all and OF COURSE wishing you well on the journey & how lovely is your blog ... i just want to eat those croissants and all the other unknown words that must sound beautiful when sung from the lips of Chef2BGayle
